Going forward with Bell Ringer.

MowHammer here again!

So, Bell Ringer has been out for a while now and we are happy to announce that we’re working on a single player mode for the game! Developing Bell Ringer has been quite a journey – and a tough one at times. As I mentioned in my previous blog post we don’t want to just release a game and then ignore it, we know that the game is missing some things and we want to fix that. We believe that a wave based single player campaign will be a great addition to Bell Ringer! We want to do so much more, but with a small team and a very limited budget this will probably bring the most bang for the buck. I can’t wait to show you more of the single player mode when it’s finished! For now I can show you some of the levels we are making with pen and paper.


Hope you all had a great weekend!